Let God Be True & Question You!

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Name Identification. Meanings are attached to names. In scripture, names can appear contrary to or in alignment with a calling, or with an event that would take place in the life of the person whose name is mentioned. Likewise, if in going about our day we came across three people who have the same name or names all meaning the same, would it be safe to assume it's more than a coincidence that God may be trying to communicate with us? Through your life in Christ, He is telling a story not inferior to those He has told in centuries past for the glory of His name. We serve the same God.

Scripture Fulfillment. In addition, the OT scriptures were still being fulfilled in the lives of the apostles during the time of Jesus and afterward (see Lk. 4:21; Acts 1:20-21; 2:16-17). It should not be odd for us the saints of God to discern the signs that we see in this day that is in fulfillment of the many scriptures that were written long ago (see Acts 3:18), which have not all been fulfilled (Matt. 5:18). Have we seen them? Or, do we care to look? His story, the Bible is still moving toward complete fulfillment and it includes you. Your world, your country, your state, your city, your neighborhood, your house, and you are a mission for Christ. How you will affect the world around you for the glory of God til the silencing of a groaning creation (Rom. 8:19-23).

Dreams. Today, why dream? God gave a dream to a pagan King Pharaoh warning of seven years of plenty and seven years of famine, but who gave Joseph the idea or plan to store up food? (Gen. 41). An idea that would in turn keep the promised seed and his lineage from starvation. Therefore, why are His people so complacent with the dreams He gives them? Joseph responded so cognizantly, not in the least forgetful that he spent seven years preparing for the latter part of this dream to come to pass. He treated these dreams as if they were his own, believed them, and immediately moved to make preparations. What have we done with the dreams He has given? He does not keep giving us the same or a similar dream so that we can bury it under the earth. Lord teach us how to make preparations for the stuff you have shown us.

The More. What is the purpose of miracles, signs, and wonders? We preach that through His name, through faith in His name the dead will rise to newness of life in the resurrection. That in itself is a miracle. Well has it ever happened before? The dead were raised back to life again during Jesus' ministry when He was incarnate on the earth. By the power of God, the one in whom we preach was raised from the dead to never die again. What proof do you have that He is alive? Just that both the character and power of His ministry exist today (Mt. 11:3-6; Lk. 4:17-21; Isa. 61:1-3; Gal. 5:22-25). These things would have died with Him, but they are a testimony that He must be still alive (see Acts 4:33). The proof is not that we cannot find the body but that He is still carrying out the work of His ministry, now through us. Dead people don’t carry or carry out anything. For the Apostles, the proof that Jesus was alive was the resurrected Lord standing before them. One of His disciples refused to believe that Jesus had risen from the grave until he saw for himself (see Jn. 20:25-29). Let it not be said of those in whom we minister to, as was said of the man in Capernaum whose son was sick, “Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” (Jn. 4:48). “...blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” Yet if they must see may it be in their hearts along with our conduct the proof they need to see that He is alive and in this He has also revealed to them the Father, because the word and the works are His (see Jn. 5:19; 12:49-50).