Had Jesus come into one of the South’s prominent cities here in the U.S riding on the back of a slow farm animal (a sheep, a cow, or pig). If He had gone into one, or several of the religious sites of the bible-belt, throwing down well-known statues and tearing down portraits and signs of churches that did not live up to its name. (Ex. If Greater Harvest Church were failing to produce a greater harvest, so too would their sign come down). Even if He were a miracle man or a healer, I would have looked at Him thinking this man is a clown, a vigilante indefinitely, and I would have been very skeptical of Him.
Don’t get me wrong. If I needed His services, I would look for Him for healing or deliverance for myself or another. I might even keep tabs on Him, following Him from a great distance. Meaning I would find out what news channels and social media were saying about Him daily. Out of curiosity, I would keep up-to-date on His whereabouts. But I would not follow Him closely on foot. He is a clown I would not follow sincerely.
If I can think this of myself and know this to be true; that I would have rejected the one who gave me life, even if He did heal my infirmities and tend to my needs, how is it then that I can hold an offense against my brother, neighbor, or friend and feel justified in doing so? My flesh would say, I didn’t deserve that. When the truth of the matter is, I have in me the capacity to perform what was done to me and worst, and I would have done it to Him in whom all His ways are right. I would have rejected Him. I would be both wretched and blind (if I were to have treated Jesus as such and then become offended and defensive toward others for such treatment).
Let God Be True & Question You!